
Ants of Babylon

I wrote with my leg bent and brandished the results
"Bent leg, still I am an affluent and provocative writer"
"But as an orator, you are voicless" som är mycket tydlig
and the wig fits

Interstellar smile of the wife seen on TV.
poster twisting off the wall, 'Jardins de France'
Cold lips that smell of chilli when she's late
a girl, hip, worked on lips

dirty blonde
vodka splits ant colonies

oh please! you used to want to
call me good names
me who sat and slept or burned as a goose
and knew all the countries before they existed

you who has lived in ancient centuries before you existed
without knowing all of it or anything at all
the babylon ant colony of zoroaster is growing in heaven
and on earth is mud

I am useless to provide or protect
jealous of your own growing and learning
full of such useless love, inundated with it

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